Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering and Reflecting

Today, I remember and reflect on that day 10 years ago, when we all witnessed the horrible events of September 11, 2001. I realize that my niece and nephew, who are two and six respectively, will always live in a world touched by the events of 911. I am so sorry for the loss of life and the sacrifice of so many brave individuals on that day and every day since then.

On the walk from the metro to my office in DC, I remembered thinking what a beautiful day it was, the sky was so blue. In a few short minutes, our world changed forever, as the horrible events in New York, DC and Pennsylvania unfolded. 911 marked the loss of our innocence.

While watching some of the anniversary coverage today, I was struck by the resilient spirit of those who lost so much. In my own experiences of grief and loss, I have learned that the only thing that eases the pain is the passage of time. My wish is that we all find a measure of peace on this day, as we stop, remember and reflect.

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