Monday, May 30, 2011

Have the Terrible Twos become the Techno Twos?

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit with family and was astounded at the technology capabilities of my two year old grand niece, Lily.  If you have little ones in your life, you know what I am talking about.  We were playing outside and she said, “I want to take a picture” – so I handed her my BlackBerry.  Immediately, she started trying to use my BlackBerry like an I phone.  She kept pressing the screen (instead of the tracker ball) to take a picture.  She even turned the BlackBerry, trying to get the picture to go from portrait to landscape.  It really gave me pause.
It makes me think of all the things that my Dad has seen.  He just celebrated his 86th birthday and still tells me stories of the oxen draw wagons that took the timber of South Alabama to the railroad cars and on to market.  There was a time, when the railroad tracks ran through his front yard!  He has seen so much in his life time.  He saw us move from oxen to horse and buggy, tractors, cars, trucks, airplanes and the space shuttle.  I just wonder, what stories my grand niece will tell when she is his age?  What will she observe during her lifetime?  I don’t see any evidence of the terrible twos, I only see a technologically advanced two year old and for her, that is the norm.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Life Sometimes Gets in the Way!

My plans for posting new items on my website have taken a slight detour.  I guess you could say that life got in the way, again.  I have been experimenting with so many new interests.  As always, there is a lot happening on the home front and I realized that My To Do List was way too long! 

When finally getting around to checking in on Facebook, I saw a post by Tina of about some exciting news - she is participating in the swag bags at the 63rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Gift Lounge through The Artisan Group!  I was so excited for her (I love her eco-friendly tote bags) and wanted to find out more information. 

I am super excited to say, that I applied for membership in The Artisan Group and was accepted to become a part of this talented group.  It has been a warm and welcoming experience and just what I need to get focused.  Oh, and did I mention that my business cards are going to be included in the swag bags at this event??? 

Like I said, sometimes life gets in the way.  This time, it is in a really good way.